The Impact of Automatically Created GA4 Properties on a Google Ads Account!
Google Analytics has become a staple of advertising and marketing for several years now and many...
Digital Marketing Freak. Social Media Addict and a wannabe Growth Hacker. On my free time I train dragons. Strongly believe that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and a social media overreaction! Want to be a Digital Marketing Ninja, you? #GrowthHackingMindset #GottaLoveOpium
Google Analytics has become a staple of advertising and marketing for several years now and many...
If you're in the process of growing your business, hiring new employees is likely on your radar....
According to LinkedIn, employer branding is "the way in which an organization markets itself as an...
2023 may be a challenging year for recruitment, but even on a tight budget, you can find innovative...
Third-party cookies have long been a staple of digital advertising, but as concerns about privacy...
Instagram, one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world, recently announced that...
We are super excited to announce that we partnered up with Pinterest and organized a 2-day...
Το Instagram καταργεί το "swipe-up" functionality στα Instagram Stories ξεκινώντας από τις 30...
Μπορεί να είναι μια νέα χρονιά, αλλά η συνεχιζόμενη πανδημία Covid-19 σημαίνει ότι οι προκλήσεις...
What is TikTok? And should your brand be creating content for the highly addictive video platform?
Improve the success of your organization and grow your business
Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing...