Can Instagram Stories Link Stickers Boost Engagement?

Instagram Stories Link Stickers are finally here!

What Are Instagram Stories Link Stickers?

Swipe-up links are now history for Instagram and have officially been replaced with Instagram Stories Link Stickers. Instead of seeing links at the bottom of the screen, link stickers appear on screens like any other Instagram Story sticker – with the difference that this sticker has a clickable link icon! 

And the best part? Now viewers can react and reply to Instagram Stories that obtain links (unlike before).


What do we need to know about this new Instagram feature?

1. What will happen to Instagram Highlights and paid ads that include “swipe-up” links?
The answer is simple! Absolutely nothing! Those links have not been removed by Instagram — they still function properly.

2. Who has access to the new Instagram Stories Link Sticker?
Just like swipe-ups, only the accounts with over 10K followers or those that hold a coveted blue check can access this new feature. Nonetheless, according to TechCrunch, “Instagram says it’s evaluating whether to expand link access to more accounts in the future.” So, even if your account does not fall into one of the above two categories... Get Ready! The new feature will soon be available to you too!

3. What are the three main tactics to Drive Traffic Using Instagram Story Link Stickers?

#1: Add a Strong Call-to-action (CTA)

CTAs are more important than ever with this new Instagram Stories Sticker Links. Since the clickable arrow that says “swipe up” no longer exists to grab viewers’ attention, the best way for brands to encourage link clicks is through the use of text and GIFs.
It is vital to bring attention to your clicks, therefore, consider including texts like “tap to learn more” or “click to read”, so that your audience knows where to click.
It’s exciting that you can now take advantage of text and GIFs, and decide how to encourage link clicks.

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#2: Create Templates That Bring Attention to Link Stickers 

One of the best ways to generate traffic from your Instagram Stories Link Stickers is by applying branded templates.
Users might find it difficult to actually notice, find, and eventually click the link on the stories you upload. Why leave it up to chance, when you can grab your audience’s attention to your link by creating a specific place for your link sticker to sit?

See the example below:


In this way, your audience will eventually learn where to search for your link and will more easily click your Link Sticker.

#3: Make your Link Sticker more Creative With Text Overlays

Do the available link colours clash with your aesthetic, or are not as outstanding as you'd like them to be?
By adding a text overlay or a PNG sticker over the original link, you can ensure your Stories don’t lag behind in style.


Tip of the Day: Be patient! 🧘‍♀️


Just like anything new on social media, viewers will need some time to get used to the new Instagram Stories link stickers. Now you might see a decline in your total number of clicks, but with some audience education, along with the above tactics, the rise in the engagement levels is just around the corner! 




Mariella Kasapi

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