3 FMCG Campaigns with High Engagement on Social Media

Social media outlets remain a crucial component in any marketing strategy for reaching a larger audience, bringing brands to the forefront and raising their awareness with users. Consumers are scrolling through their social media on a habitual basis and the competition for getting their attention with content that illustrates sophistication, creativity and originality is at an all time high. Brands are utilising all platforms and tools to make sure that they produce content that captivates and interests users by implementing short videos, influencers and newly modern features with the aim of leaving a lasting impression. 

With social advertising investment expected to increase in 2023, we’ve gathered 3 authentic examples of campaigns that exemplified the employment of social media platforms in an interactive and bright way to drive awareness and increase sales as a result. 

Magic Spoon and TikTok

The cereal brand Magic Spoon, which was launched in 2019, is an excellent example of utilising social media effectively to engage consumers and grab the attention of different audience demographics and niche communities. 

Magic Spoon ran a 30-day integrated video campaign on TikTok that featured influencers with a middle scale of following in ‘native’ style ads, which focused on how influencers would use the products in their daily life. Although the campaign was not completely orientated around the products themselves, it managed to receive great results by generating 10.8 million impressions and a 38% engagement rate, and thus showcasing the importance of implementing real scenarios, the power of influencer marketing and honest storytelling. 


Since the success of this video campaign, Magic Spoon’s consumer engagement remains powerful with user-generated content, behind the scenes videos and influencer partnerships to produce both organic content and paid ads that aim at promoting the functionality and reliability of their products in a more native way. 

Glossier and YouTube Shorts

Short video content has taken the marketing and advertising world by storm, with YouTube, as a leading video content platform, launching its own option with YouTube Shorts and having one of its first partnerships be with the renowned beauty brand, Glossier, back in June 2022. 

Glossier launched its best-selling eye pencil through the feature Shoppable Shorts on YouTube Shorts, which gives users the option to buy products displayed in video ads. The brand ran the Shoppable Shorts challenge, where a clickable banner was displayed on any video that used the hashtag #WrittenInGlossier. This launched a campaign challenge with the collaboration of over 100 content creators, who went on to produce their own short videos that featured the product and hashtag. Moreover, it drove more traffic to Glossier’s website, where users were asked to recreate a look as a continuation of the challenge.


This challenge marked a shift in the brand’s marketing opportunities, focus and strategy, as such social commence and influencer-driven campaigns have proved to be garnering better momentum and higher engagement than more community-style content. 

Pampers and Snap AR 

Snapchat has always been a pioneer in the social media front, with incredible innovations and implementation of augmented reality (AR) features through its inventive filters and fun lenses. The AR feature allows for an immersive experience that captivates audiences, who can virtually interact with products and get a fully realistic representation. 

Pampers saw an opportunity to not only engage with consumers, but also to fill in a gap and provide education and a helping hand to families in need. With its 2021 campaign AR Storybook, Pampers was able to reach 35 million people by turning every Pamper box into a story book that allowed parents to access books and stories simply by scanning the Pampers logo or by visiting their profile on Snapchat. Parents were able to bring story time into their homes through Snapchat and get their kids familiar with classic stories and contemporary favourites. 


The brand’s campaign resulted in 145 million stories read, led to the largest sales lift in its entire history and won 2 awards at The Drum Awards for Marketing in 2022. Furthermore, it was promoted with digital and influencer campaigns across markets, thus bringing valuable meaning and imagination to the lives of consumers and families. 

Pretty inspiring campaigns, right? Utilising social media for your FMCG campaigns in original, fun, inclusive and personalised ways can go a long way in engaging your audience and achieving higher results. 

Source: https://econsultancy.com/fmcg-social-campaigns-examples/

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