Digital Marketing, Tech & Development News

Why invest in good design?

Written by Niki Metaxa | Apr 23, 2020

Many people have distorted ideas regarding how design can benefit a business. Some small businesses invest in design and get no results, claiming it to be a waste of time and money. Others invest in design and believe that it will automatically generate sales.


The truth is that design is not the be-all and end-all of business success.

Design alone won’t boost your business growth, but it will help you get there as long as you utilize good communication coupled with a good design strategy. 


The misconception that design is not important to your business success could not be farther away from the truth. From brand recognition to increasing conversions on your website, design plays a huge part in making your business stand out from the competition.


While it seems as though you are solely spending time and money on aesthetics, good design affects your message and directly impacts sales. 


Here are some reasons why you should invest in good design.


  1. People remember good design.

  2. Good design communicates your brand to your audience.

  3. Good design sets you apart from your competition.

  4. Good design increases conversions/sales 


When you invest in good design, you are setting your business up for success. Make sure that when you are planning out your budget, the design is included in the discussion. Ensure your brand sticks out from the competition with a good and memorable design. This will help you communicate your brand’s vision and lead to increased sales.


To allow design to have a successful impact on your business, you have to be open-minded and actually, let design become a part of your business and marketing.


Good design is good business.


Thanks for reading! :)