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Creative ways to publish updates on your Social Media Accounts

Written by Phanos Demetriou | Sep 27, 2015

Finding new, exciting  ways to deliver your content and maintain user engagement can be difficult, as even experienced social marketers have difficulty in maintaining this. 

In this article, we will give you a few ideas to make sure you always have ways to come up with fresh content for your users.

1.One of the most popular methods used today is quotes: inspirational, funny, attention-grabbing, as all users enjoy reading them, and when used regarding your industry, the users are bound to give you a couple likes and shares with their friends. There are many websites that offer various quotes, so choose one which looks appealing and shows a message regarding your industry, bringing a fresh new take on your page.

2.Make sure you update anything regarding your company, such as an anniversary for the company, the opening of a new store, a new project you have started or the addition of a new member to your team. Sharing your achievements with your fans will allow them to celebrate with you, and showing that you take into consideration your customers, will show them that your success wouldn’t have been possible without their support.

3.Another sure way to increase interest is to hold competitions and giveaways, as they always attract large numbers of users, no matter what your company is and what you are offering as a prize, as everyone wants the chance to win something for free. It’s also a good opportunity for your users and followers to link your page and share your content with their friends, and to boost your engagement rate. Make sure to keep the competition as simple as possible, as making it too complicated or with a lot of steps may discourage the user from entering.

4.Post once a week about one of your employees, with a picture of them going about their work, as the users would love to know who is behind their favorite brand, how things run in the office, this way giving the users a rare glance as to what goes on behind the scenes of their favorite products.

5.There is no need for your posts to be serious, all business all the time, as a little humor goes a long way. Make sure to schedule one post a week where funny and light images are used, as they always tend to go well with users and increase engagement. Keep an eye out for funny posts and images. Something funny that happened in the office is a good example, or even a funny picture with regards to your industry, make sure to keep an eye out.

6.Mention other people in your posts, especially if you believe your users should be following them. For example,, f you were at a conference or heard a great tip from someone, don’t be afraid to mention them in your posts, as by doing so, they will receive a notification, helping increase your network of contacts, and may prompt them to do the same for you, and showing your users that you value them.

7.Don’t be afraid your show your mistakes, as it shows your users you want the best quality from your work. Did you find a spelling error in one of your posts, take a screenshot of it and publish it, it will most likely make your users laugh and show them that you are human and make mistakes, but that you care about your work, because if you didn’t you would not have found the typo.

8.Don’t forget to reply to messages, this way gaining more interaction from your followers. If you are a small company replying to comments yourself, there is no need to respond immediately, but at least check the comments once a day, and if you have a team responsible for replying back to customers, make sure to train them on how to respond and give them as much freedom as possible, so they don’t bother management with every question that a customer leaves on the page.

9.Users love a good list! An update with a list of resources, books, tips or anything that fits with your audience and can help them perform a task will end up with a lot of engagement. Since you don’t have a lot of space, make sure to keep your lists limited to one category at a time and don’t forget to tag anyone that you mention, such as an author of a book or a blogger, as they may comment back to you, like or even share your post on their page.

10.Make sure to stay calm when responding back to a customer, as you are bound to receive negative reviews over the Internet, as most people just want to make their voices heard. Respond quickly and politely, as the way you handle the situation may win back that customer or gain you more customers and never forget that social media is very public, and once something has been stated and published, it’s very hard to be forgotten and can b lingering above your company like a dark cloud.

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