Digital Marketing, Tech & Development News

6 Ways to Help you Manage the Negative Social Media Comments!

Written by Anastasia Dalakoura | Jul 13, 2020

Getting a negative comment on social media it’s bound to happen. Once you see it you instantly want to answer and defend your product or brand. But wait. 


Your response etiquette can make or break your brands’ online image, that’s why we are here to help you manage these kinds of comments avoiding troubleshoots and bad awareness, and most importantly maintaining your good image towards the negative user and the future or existing customers. Take a moment to read these tips to help you better manage the comments and your response. 


Let us begin with the options Social Media offers to you. 


  • Delete the comment
  • Hide the comment
  • Respond to the comment
  • Report the comment (most platforms delete the comment after reviewing it)


Ok now, all of the above are known for their heavy use, but the answer on the most important question is below: 


- How should you answer hate comments/ messages and offensive statements on your posts?


The first thing that you should remember is that you never never never delete a post or send back a hateful message.


Having said that, you can see our recommendations for a positive communication policy below...and remember that it’s important to create a coordinating FAQ policy over your business, avoiding random and inappropriate responses. It also helps you respond quickly and easily!

The steps of a great FAQ policy:


  1. Read the message carefully and understand all the points and beliefs of the sender. 
  2. If you believe that the sender belongs to a competitive company, then be very careful about what details you will include in your answer.
  3. Take a screenshot and use the message us a case study to show it to your team for future reference.
  4. Don’t delete it. You can hide an inappropriate comment that may affect your company. The sender cannot see that you have hidden the comment, yet the other users cannot find the comment.
  5. Reply politely and explain to the user your services and/ or any misunderstanding. Use all the appropriate info like websites and telephone numbers that may help the user find a solution on his problem.
  6. Don’t delay, most users expect to see a response within an hour.


In the end, these are good tips to have in mind when you reply to users comments: Your response to a disgruntled customer is a great opportunity to turn them into a brand enthusiastic customer and a valuable resource for your future operations.


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